If you have children in your home or anybody in your home pursuing any kind studies, you need to know the Vastu tips for study room. Studying for exams requires hard work and when it comes to studying even we get easily distracted.
A good Vastu designed Study room will help you improve concentration, focus and less likely to get distracted. The study room should be placed in a proper direction so that there won’t be any unpleasant vibrations or energy that affects the concentration and focus.
Why is study room Vastu so important?
Young children are full of energy most of the time, so the study room should be designed in such a way that it enhances their energy in a positive way. To enhance the energy in a positive way one must need the help of Vastu Shastra.
Vastu Shastra helps you to pick up the right spot for placement of study table, bookshelves, right furniture, lighting and the colours. This will help you kid or anyone who is studying with grasping power, increased retention power and increased concentration.
To know how to make your study room Vastu compliant, read on…..
How to achieve Vastu complaint study room?
The first step is to find the right direction for study room. Best direction for study room as per Vastu is the west part of your home. If the west part is unavailable due to some reason the second- best direction for study room is northeast corner or eastern side of the house.- There shouldn’t be any mirror reflections in the study room, this might have the effect of doubling their workload.
- Make sure the person or your kid who is studying is not sitting study under a beam or loft otherwise he or she feels unnecessary pressure.
- While studying he/she must face East or North direction.
- Windows should be provided in the learning area in North or North-east or east wall since the study room will be located in west direction.
- There can be two windows in the study room, the larger window in the east or north wall and the smaller window in the west wall.
- Try to place a window in the east as far as possible. Since morning sunlight has a lot of beneficial effects on his/her health.
- As per Vastu doors of study room must be placed in North-East, North, East or West directions and avoid placing doors in these directions:South-East, North-West and South-West directions/corners of the study room.
- There should be ample amount of lighting while studying.
- Sitting in front of a solid wall and facing the other direction signifies support.
- The study table in the study room should always face North, East or North-East
- Don’t position the study table facing a blank wall. If this is not possible keep the table few inches away from the wall.
- A clock(pendulum) should be placed in the north wall side.
- The centre of the room should be kept empty so that it is easy to walk around and it helps proper flow of cosmic energy.
- The table lamp should be placed in the South-East corner of the study table and computer in South-East corner of the study room.